Opening Up

Opening Up

Part of our renovation included adding an entryway to our home. You can’t imagine how I felt when this antique piece we’ve had for years fit just so with only a whisper to spare. Relieved, excited, grateful…I just had to hug somebody, so I threw my arms around Think...
There’s God in Them Thar Hills!

There’s God in Them Thar Hills!

If you look closely—as in turn the photo upside down and squint for ten minutes—you might detect what it took us eighteen laps to spot: a hill. And of course, the moment we laid eyes on it on our fifth day of walking, we felt it. Immediately. Our thighs started to...
One, for All

One, for All

“You need to use your platform. To say something about all that’s going on right now.” Standing there in my mama’s kitchen, Songbird’s voice shook with emotion, perhaps because we’d done nothing but talk about all that. But I don’t have a platform, I thought, my heart...

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