About Me

This Is My Story
Though we’ve homeschooled up and down the East Coast, Hubby and I sprouted from Southern soil and will always be rooted in North Carolina. The South flavors our faith, our nine-member family, and my fiction—not to mention my food.
Since I started my editorial career nearly thirty years ago, we’ve added seven not-so little people to our happy homeschooling family. (Strangely enough, we’ve also had seven different dogs…but that’s another story altogether.) Our poodle, Oscar, is a favorite with each and every lap he snuggles in, and he’s here to stay. In those few minutes a day when I’m not teaching, fussing about the shoes on the stairs, moving furniture around, or cooking, you’ll find me cuddled up with Hubby, reading, playing the piano, or laughing at or with one of the little people. That’s just how God wired me. He also designed me in such a way that I get cranky when I don’t eat the right things or if I don’t find time to write. So, one of my favorite—and much-needed—activities is stealing away with my laptop (and a snack) and writing about how God has encouraged me in some unusual way.
Basically, my work is rooted in the soul of the story because I am God centered and family focused. My Lord and Savior is why I “live and move and have [my] being.” (Acts 17:28) I know He has an eye and a purpose in each leaf that drifts to the ground, in every tear that courses my cheek, in all the twists and turns of our whirlwind adventure through life. And we have raised and taught our family based on His trusted Word.
If you want a taste of my world, tiptoe through “Mommy, Concentrated.” You can learn about Crusader, Songbird, Think Tank, Maven, Lone Ranger, Brown Sugar, TD, and my sweetest Hubby. Contact me, sign up for my newsletter, and of course, read my novels to find out more.
God Centered, Family Focused