Rooted in the Soul of the Story

In the wee hours of the morning more than twenty years ago, my restless baby boy and I plopped down at my desktop. There, bolstered by a few chocolate chip cookies, I started writing about Granny B and her life in the fictional town of Spring Hope, North Carolina. The time, place, and people sprang from the stories I heard at my grandmas’ kitchen tables where I learned what happened if I touched my Kool-Aid before finishing dinner, not to sweep someone’s feet, how to make cornbread taste like pound cake, and the all-purpose uses of Vaseline. Their faith, life lessons, and life’s longings shaped my parents and inspired me to write novels that are rooted in the soul of the story, illustrating man’s timeless love affair with God. And if you need to know how Jesus’ love pursues me even as I stand at the kitchen sink, bake chicken casserole, and homeschool my children, read my fiction, follow my blog, and sign up for my newsletter. So, consider yourself at home. Stay a while!
God centered, Family focused

Blessings! Robin
God centered, Family focused

Dysfunction Junction
“What time is it?” Annabelle’s voice quavered as she studied the shadows huddling under the sliding board in Lincoln Park. She expected the streetlight at the corner to come on at any minute, and she didn’t think her four-year-old legs could outrun those mis- shapen silhouettes if they had a mind to chase her. They were in spitting distance of home, but her fear made it feel much farther.
Apparently unperturbed, Frances Mae peeled off the paper from her second block of Hubba Bubba and popped it onto her tongue. Her teeth worked at the gum until she could chew more easily. When she opened her mouth to speak, she wiped a bit of spit from the edge of her lip. “Mama’s not expectin’ us any time soon. She likes time to herself after she closes the store.”
They both knew their mama wasn’t going to be alone for long.
Though we’ve homeschooled up and down the East Coast, Hubby and I sprouted from Southern soil and will always be rooted in North Carolina. The South flavors our faith, our nine-member family, and my fiction—not to mention my food.

When God Took My “But” to California
Last spring 2023, I was invited to be a keynote speaker at the 2024 Vision Christian Writers Conference. My first thought? She asked the wrong person. How embarrassing to have to explain that I was the Robin with the “W.” between her first and last name, not the...

Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #8
Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all the stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 5 grand prizes! The hunt BEGINS on 3/14 at noon MST/2 pm EST...

Opening Up
Part of our renovation included adding an entryway to our home. You can’t imagine how I felt when this antique piece we’ve had for years fit just so with only a whisper to spare. Relieved, excited, grateful…I just had to hug somebody, so I threw my arms around Think...

Wall-to-Wall Love: A Renovation Story
Three years ago, I got it into my head that what our dining room needed was wallpaper. So I googled orange (I know…right?), and the world opened up to me. Not so, said Hubby, who closed his eyes and his wallet. “Let’s take some measurements and estimate the cost.”...